“You can’t teach someone French by
screaming at them in French.”

The Training Cycle workshop guides you
– the instructor, the trainer, the fundraiser, the sales person – to present your content in a systematic way that creates a change in behavior in your trainees, employees, and clients. Your goal is to train your peeps. Our goal is to be sure they retain and use your information.



“The coolest thing about this workshop is how domain-agnostic it is. I teach software programming. Jeff doesn’t. But his training system doesn’t care. It’ll help you learn the tools to teach others effectively without any consideration of what the topics might be.”

Shawn Bullock, Bootcamped

The Benefits. Click Here.

Most corporate trainers know so much about their topic that they can talk about it forever. But if the people they are training do not have that same level of experience, the material becomes a fire hose of indigestible information.

Untrained trainers produce frustrated employees and staff. If people go to a training and come out of it thinking, “What a waste of time,” that’s generally not because the material wasn’t there, it’s because the material was not presented in a way it could be consumed.

We train the trainers to create “common ground.” This is taking a complex topic and finding a more “common” topic that it is based on. Then, once everyone is on the same page, the trainer can build on that topic and move forward to the more complex elements.

Bring your trainers to the next level. Contact us to see how we can train and revitalize your training department.



I train trainers in a systematic fashion using a simple series of protocols. I give corporate trainers, public safety trainers, sales people, and non-profit fundraisers the ability to communicate the material they know best.

Education is classically defined as creating a change in behavior. I provide the tools that prepare any trainer to communicate effectively and see results in their staff and trainees.

Call me to become the trainer everybody wants to work with.

Call +1 619-736-2511 or click here to contact me.

Download Jeff’s One Sheet

Unified Team Diving  Bootcamped – Better Code. Better Career     

“Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.”


Training Corporate Trainers
Training Public Safety Trainers
Training Non-Profit Fundraisers